How to automatically clean out email folders

SmarterMail has a "Folder Auto-Clean" feature allows you to automatically delete messages in the "Deleted Items," "Junk E-mail" or "Sent Items" folders. Auto-cleaning folders will help prevent your email quota from being used by spam or deleted messages. Mailboxes can be cleaned based on the age of the messages or the size of the mailbox. Messages deleted during the auto-clean process cannot be retrieved, so be sure to allow enough time before auto-cleaning to review all of your messages.


Please note that the Folder Auto-Clean feature may not run as scheduled. This is a known issue, and we have reported the bug to SmarterTools, but we don't know if or when they will fix it.


  1. Log in to the Winhost Control Panel.
  2. Click the "Sites" tab.
  3. Click the "Manage" link next to the site you want to manage.
  4. Click the "Email" icon on the right.
  5. Click the "SmarterMail Manager" link. You will be logged in as the Primary Domain Administrator.
  6. Click the "Domain Settings" link in the top navigation (the icon that looks like a gear with globe).
  7. Click "Folder Auto-Clean."
  8. Click "Override auto-clean settings for this domain."
  9. Click "+ New Rule."
  10. Configure the auto-clean rule as you prefer, then click the "Save" button.
  11. Repeat for any other rules you want to add.
  12. Click the "Save" button at the top.
Note:  This applies to the settings at the "domain" (i.e. all newly created accounts hereafter) level.  To apply the setting to an individual account, log into that individual account and click on the "Settings" icon.

The latest SmarterMail has different menu design so the instructions will be a bit different. Please follow the instructions below if the SmarterMail of your account is updated to the latest version:

  1. Log in to the Winhost Control Panel.
  2. Click the "Sites" tab.
  3. Click the "Manage" link next to the site you want to manage.
  4. Click the "Email" icon on the right.
  5. Click the "SmarterMail Manager" link. You will be logged in as the Primary Domain Administrator.
  6. Select "Settings" / "Domain Settings" in the drop-down menu on top
  7. Click on "General" link in the menu on the left
  8. Find Folder Auto-Clean section and toggle "Override auto-clean settings" switch
  9. Hit "+ New Rule" button
  10. Set the condition for a specific folder to be clean up automatically
  11. Hit Save button
  12. Repeat three steps above for other folders
  13. Hit Save button at the top to save the rule