Getting Started with SiteLock PCI Compliance Service

The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards are a set of requirements designed to help guarantee companies which process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment.  SiteLock’s PCI Compliance service is fully certified.

To use SiteLock’s PCI service, you must have the SiteLock Security Scan service for your Winhost account.  To order a SiteLock Security Scan plan, see Getting Started with SiteLock.

Once the order for PCI service has been processed, go to your SiteLock dashboard and click the "PCI Compliance" link in the Security Summary section.

You will be taken to the New PCI Compliance window.  You have the choice of starting the PCI scan or answering the SAQ.

Click on New Scan to start a new scan.  Please note that to remain PCI compliant you will need to run a quarterly scan. 

Enter a Name for the scan.
Enter the Target value
Click Create Scan.

Next click on SAQ link at the top.  Then click on + Create SAQ

If you are having an issue picking among the different SAQ choices, you can use the Wizard to help you select the correct questionnaire for your business type.  Please note that this questionnaire is required to be answered yearly.