nopCommerce Installation Wizard

After nopCommerce is installed, you are directed to complete the nopCommerce Installation Wizard to finish configuring nopCommerce. Below is a screenshot of the nopCommerce Installation Wizard.

Below the graphic, we outline the information to input into the Wizard.

Store Information
Admin User Email - Input the email address who will manage the nopCommerce store
Admin User Password - Input a strong password that is different than you Winhost account password
Comfirm the Password - confirm the password

Create sample data: Leave Unchecked [Recommended]

Database Information
Database: For nopCommerce, you want to Use SQL Server database - Please select it from the dropdown menu.

Keep "Create database if it doesn't exist" Unchecked.

Connection string: You want to "Enter SQL connection values"
If you received an email from us with the SQL Server Name, Database Name, SQL Username, SQL Password - then input that information.
For SQL Server Name keep the selection at Use SQL Server Account

Otherwise, you can get this information in your Winhost Control Panel
- Go to your Site Manager | MS SQL Manager | Manage

Leave Specify custom SQL Server collation Unchecked [Recommended]

Click Install to complete the nopCommerce Installation Wizard

It will take several minutes to complete the nopCommerce setup