Creating a new email address or alias in SmarterMail

Additional email addresses or aliases are added through the SmarterMail web interface after logging in as the Primary Admin, which defaults to [email protected].  If the postmaster password is unavailable, log in automatically at Winhost Control Panel > Sites > the applicable domain name > Email > "SmarterMail Manager" link.

Please note that we are currently rolling out updates to SmarterMail which updates the interface.  The first set of instructions are for the legacy interface.  For the updated interface, scroll down passed the (Legacy) instructions to the (New) instructions.

Accounts (Legacy)

After logging in as the Primary Admin, click Domain Settings1 (gear with small globe) then Accounts2.  If the menu on the left with "Accounts" is not being displayed, click the hamburger icon3 in the upper left of the screen to expand the menu.

From the Accounts screen, click "Users" or "Aliases" in the right pane then "New" to create the new email address.  When creating a new email user, note that the "username" is the new email address whereas for an email alias it is the "name".


Users > New > Username "new" creates the email address [email protected]
Alias > New > Name "new" creates the email alias [email protected]

Accounts (New)

After logging in as the Primary Admin, click the More1 drop-down then Domain Settings2.

And the option to create new email users or aliases will be available.

When creating a new email user, note that the "username" is the new email address whereas for an email alias it is the "name".


Users > New > Username "new" creates the email address [email protected]
Alias > New > Name "new" creates the email alias [email protected]