How to connect to a SQL server using SQL Server Management Studio

Before you attempt to connect, make sure you have created a database in Control Panel using the MS SQL Manager tool.
Note:  You will need to download and install SQL Server Management Studio to connect to a SQL database.

Open SQL Server Management Studio. The "Connect to Server" window will open. Select/enter the following:
  •     Server Type: Database Engine
  •     Server Name: [The SQL server name can be found in Control Panel in Sites -> MS SQL Manager -> Manage]
  •     Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
  •     Login: [SQL database Login name]
  •     Password: [SQL database Password]
Click "connect" and you will be connected to the SQL server.

If you are planning to use one of the Contained Database users (SQL 2012 and 2022 only) to log into your database you will need to specify the database:
  • Go to Options/Connection Properties
  • Go to "Connect to database" and enter your database name
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