How to bypass greylisting in SmarterMail

For new site accounts that are opened after 10/17/2017. Greylisting is disabled by Default.
If you do wish to disable greylisting, it must be disabled on a per-user basis.
  1. Log in to the Winhost Control Panel.
  2. Click the "Sites" tab.
  3. Click the "Manage" link next to the site you want to manage.
  4. Click the icon labeled "Email" on the right.
  5. Click the "SmarterMail Manager" link. You will be logged in as the Primary Domain Administrator.
  6. Click the "Domain Settings" link in the top navigation menu (the icon that looks like a gear with globe).
  7. Click "Accounts"
  8. Click the user
  9. On the next screen, scroll down and click the "Disable Greylisting" switch in the "User" window.
  10. Click "Save."